Robert Haas <> writes:
> While working on KaiGai's "leaky views" patch, I found myself
> scrutinizing the behavior of the function named in the subject line;
> and specifically the retest of is_simple_subquery().  I've been unable
> to make that fail.

It might be that the is_simple_subquery conditions can't currently fail,
though that has been possible in the past and could be again someday.
The is_safe_append_member conditions can trivially fail after pullup,
however.  An example in the regression database:

create or replace function foo1() returns setof int8 as
' select q2 from int8_tbl, tenk1 where q1 = unique1 '
language sql stable;

select * from foo1() union all select q1 from int8_tbl;

Like the comment says, I'd rather just retest the conditions than try to
work out exactly what might be possible or impossible to happen.

> However, despite my best efforts, I can't figure out what scenario
> it's protecting us against, at least not on current sources.  The
> original bug report is here:


> Tom's reply indicates that the v4 example shouldn't get flattened, but
> it looks to me like current sources do flatten it and I really don't
> see why they shouldn't.  Poking around with git bisect and the patch
> shown above, I see that the test case stopped tickling this code with
> commit e6ae3b5dbf2c07bceb737c5a0ff199b1156051d1, which introduced
> PlaceHolderVars, apparently for the precise purpose of allowing joins
> of this type to be flattened.

Yes, that was the point of PlaceHolderVars: we used to not be able to
flatten subqueries underneath outer joins, if they had any non-nullable
output expressions.  Adding a PHV ensures that the expression will go to
null if it's supposed to.

                        regards, tom lane

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