Hi all,

I mean to create a typed hstore, called tstore for now.  I'm open to
name suggestions.  It'll only support a subset of core Postgres types
to begin with.  Keys are always text, it's the value that's typed.

Usage is very similar to hstore; this is not a complete reference.

  tstore( text, text)   Creates a text key-value pair.

  tstore( text, int4 )  Creates an integer key-value pair.

  tstore -> text        Returns a tvalue, which is basically an
                        oid-value pair.

  typeof( tvalue )      Returns the oid.

  tvalue::int4          The integer value.

  tvalue::text          The text value.

  each_int( tstore )    Set of all keys and values where the value
                        is int4.

  each_text( tstore )   Set of all keys and values where the value
                        is text.

  each( tstore )        Set of all keys and values as tvalues.

Some examples:

# select 'text: "a"'::tvalue;
 text: "a"
(1 row)

# select 'integer: 17'::tvalue;
 int4: 17
(1 row)

# select each_int( '"a" -> text: "b", "b" -> int: 17'::tstore );
 ?column? | ?column?
 "b"      |       17
(1 row)

#select '"a" -> text: "b", "b" -> int: 17'::tstore -> 'a'; 
 text: "a"
(1 row)

All comments are welcome.  As the project matures, I'm sure other
needed functions will crop up.

   Johann Oskarsson                http://www.2ndquadrant.com/    |[]
   PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training and Services  --+--
   Blog: http://my.opera.com/myrkraverk/blog/

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