Tom Lane wrote:
> Hannu Krosing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Also, as we have nothing like Oracles ROWNR, I think it will be quite
> > hard to have colnums without gaps in the system views, so we could
> > perhaps have a stopgap solution of adding logical column numbers  (
> > (pg_attribute.attlognum) that will be changed every time a col is
> > added/dropped just for that purpose.
> [ thinks... ]  I don't believe this would make life any easier, really.
> Inside the backend it's not much help, because we still have to look
> at every single attnum reference to see if it should be logical or
> physical attnum.  On the client side it seems promising at first sight
> ... but the client will still break if it tries to correlate the
> logical colnum it sees with physical colnums in pg_attrdef and other
> system catalogs.

Why do we have to give up all even though we can't handle
physical/logical attnums in the same way ?

Hiroshi Inoue

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