From: "Tom Lane" <>
Well, feel free to increase that duration if you want.  The reason it's
there is to not wait for a long time if the postmaster falls over
instantly at startup, but in a non-interactive situation you might not

Yes, just lengthening the wait duration causes unnecessary long wait when we run pg_ctl interactively. Therefore, the current wait approach is is not correct.

How about inserting postmaster_is_alive() as below?

Looks like complete nonsense to me, if the goal is to behave sanely when hasn't been created yet.  Where do you think get_pgpid
gets the PID from?

Yes, I understand that get_pgpid() gets the pid from, which may be the pid of the previous postmaster that did not stop cleanly.

I think my simple fix makes sense to solve the problem as follows. Could you point out what might not be good?

1.The previous postmaster was terminated abruptly due to OS shutdown, machine failure, etc. leaving
2.Run "pg_ctl -w start" to start new postmaster.
3.do_start() of pg_ctl reads the pid of previously running postmaster from Say, let it be pid-1 (old_pid in code) here.

 old_pid = get_pgpid();

4.Anyway, try to start postmaster by calling start_postmaster().
5.If existed at step 3, it means either of:

(a) Previous postmaster did not stop cleanly and left
(b) Another postmaster is already running in the data directory (since before running pg_ctl -w start this time.)

But we can't distinguish between them. Then, we read again to judge the situation. Let it be pid-2 (pid in code).

if (old_pid != 0)
 pid = get_pgpid();

6.If pid-1 != pid-2, it means that the situation (a) applies and the newly started postmaster overwrote old Then, try to connect to postmaster.

If pid-1 == pid-2, it means either of:

(a') Previous postmaster did not stop cleanly and left Newly started postmaster will complete startup, but hasn't overwritten yet. (b) Another postmaster is already running in the data directory (since before running pg_ctl -w start this time.)

The current comparison logic cannot distinguish between them. In my problem situation, situation a' happened, and pg_ctl mistakenly exited.

 if (pid == old_pid)
  write_stderr(_("%s: could not start server\n"
        "Examine the log output.\n"),

7.To distinguish between a' and b, check if pid-1 is alive. If pid-1 is alive, it means situation b. Otherwise, that is situation a'.

 if (pid == old_pid && postmaster_is_alive(old_pid))

However, the pid of newly started postmaster might match the one of old postmaster. To deal with that situation, it may be better to check the modified timestamp of in addition.

What do you think?

If we had the postmaster's PID a priori, we could detect postmaster
death directly instead of having to make assumptions about how long
is reasonable to wait for the pidfile to appear.  The problem is that
we don't want to write a complete replacement for the shell's command
line parser and I/O redirection logic.  It doesn't look like a small

Yes, I understand this. I don't think we can replace shell's various work.

(But maybe we could bypass that by doing a fork() and then having
the child exec() the shell, telling it to exec postmaster in turn?)

Possibly. I hope this works. Then, we can pass unnamed pipe file descriptors to postmaster via environment variables from the pg_ctl's forked child.

And of course Windows as usual makes things twice as hard, since we
couldn't make such a change unless start_postmaster could return the
proper PID in that case too.

Well, we can make start_postmaster() return the pid of the newly created postmaster. CreateProcess() sets the process handle in the structure passed to it. We can pass the process handle to WaitForSingleObject8) to know whether postmaster is alive.


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