On 01/30/2012 10:37 AM, Andrew Dunstan wrote:

Aside: is query_to_json really necessary? It seems rather ugly and
easily avoidable using row_to_json.

I started with this, again by analogy with query_to_xml(). But I agree it's a bit ugly. If we're not going to do it, then we definitely need to look at caching the output funcs in the function info. A closer approximation is actually:

   SELECT array_to_json(array_agg(q))
   FROM ( your query here ) q;

But then I'd want the ability to break that up a bit with line feeds, so we'd need to adjust the interface slightly. (Hint: don't try the above with "select * from pg_class".)

I'll wait on further comments, but I can probably turn these changes around very quickly once we're agreed.

based on Abhijit's feeling and some discussion offline, the consensus seems to be to remove query_to_json.



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