[ adjusting thread title to have something to do with reality ]

Alvaro Herrera <alvhe...@commandprompt.com> writes:
> Excerpts from Robert Haas's message of jue feb 02 11:39:29 -0300 2012:
>> We have lots of things that are case-sensitive; I don't particularly
>> see why this one should be different.

> Err, postgresql.conf processing is case insensitive, which is the most
> closely related example.  Are you saying we should make that case
> sensitive as well?  What I'm saying is that I see no good reason for
> keyword comparison to be case sensitive here.  We don't compare case on
> SQL keywords either.

One thing I'm concerned about is that there are places in pg_hba.conf
where a token might be either a keyword or a user/group/database name.
If you start recognizing keywords case-insensitively, you could break
files that used to work, ie what was meant to be a name will now be
read as a keyword.  Admittedly, the odds of that are not very large, but
they're not zero either.  Given the entire lack of complaints about this
from the field, I'm inclined to think it's better to leave well enough
alone.  We could add a documentation note if you feel a need for that.

                        regards, tom lane

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