
> =$ time pg_basebackup -D /home/pgdba/slave2/ -F p -x stream -c fast -P -v -h 
> -p 5921 -U replication
> xlog start point: 2/AC4E2600
> pg_basebackup: starting background WAL receiver
> 692447/692447 kB (100%), 1/1 tablespace
> xlog end point: 2/AC4E2600
> pg_basebackup: waiting for background process to finish streaming...
> pg_basebackup: base backup completed
> real    3m56.237s
> user    0m0.224s
> sys     0m0.936s
> (time is long because this is only test database with no traffic, so I had to 
> make some inserts for it to finish)

The above article points out the problem of pg_basebackup from the standby:
when "-x stream" is specified, pg_basebackup from the standby gets stuck if
there is no traffic in the database.

When "-x stream" is specified, pg_basebackup forks the background process
for receiving WAL records during backup, takes an online backup and waits for
the background process to end. The forked background process keeps receiving
WAL records, and whenever it reaches end of WAL file, it checks whether it has
already received all WAL files required for the backup, and exits if yes. Which
means that at least one WAL segment switch is required for pg_basebackup with
"-x stream" option to end.

In the backup from the master, WAL file switch always occurs at both start and
end of backup (i.e., in do_pg_start_backup() and do_pg_stop_backup()), so the
above logic works fine even if there is no traffic. OTOH, in the backup from the
standby, while there is no traffic, WAL file switch is not performed at all. So
in that case, there is no chance that the background process reaches end of WAL
file, check whether all required WAL arrives and exit. At the end, pg_basebackup
gets stuck.

To fix the problem, I'd propose to change the background process so that it
checks whether all required WAL has arrived, every time data is received, even
if end of WAL file is not reached. Patch attached. Comments?


Fujii Masao
NTT Open Source Software Center
*** a/src/bin/pg_basebackup/pg_basebackup.c
--- b/src/bin/pg_basebackup/pg_basebackup.c
*** 78,84 **** static void ReceiveTarFile(PGconn *conn, PGresult *res, int rownum);
  static void ReceiveAndUnpackTarFile(PGconn *conn, PGresult *res, int rownum);
  static void BaseBackup(void);
! static bool segment_callback(XLogRecPtr segendpos, uint32 timeline);
  #ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
  static const char *
--- 78,84 ----
  static void ReceiveAndUnpackTarFile(PGconn *conn, PGresult *res, int rownum);
  static void BaseBackup(void);
! static bool reached_end_position(XLogRecPtr segendpos, uint32 timeline);
  #ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
  static const char *
*** 129,136 **** usage(void)
!  * Called in the background process whenever a complete segment of WAL
!  * has been received.
   * On Unix, we check to see if there is any data on our pipe
   * (which would mean we have a stop position), and if it is, check if
   * it is time to stop.
--- 129,137 ----
!  * Called in the background process every time data is received.
!  * Also called when the streaming stops to check whether
!  * the current log segment can be treated as a complete one.
   * On Unix, we check to see if there is any data on our pipe
   * (which would mean we have a stop position), and if it is, check if
   * it is time to stop.
*** 138,144 **** usage(void)
   * time to stop.
  static bool
! segment_callback(XLogRecPtr segendpos, uint32 timeline)
  	if (!has_xlogendptr)
--- 139,145 ----
   * time to stop.
  static bool
! reached_end_position(XLogRecPtr segendpos, uint32 timeline)
  	if (!has_xlogendptr)
*** 231,237 **** LogStreamerMain(logstreamer_param * param)
  	if (!ReceiveXlogStream(param->bgconn, param->startptr, param->timeline,
  						   param->sysidentifier, param->xlogdir,
! 						   segment_callback, NULL, standby_message_timeout))
  		 * Any errors will already have been reported in the function process,
--- 232,238 ----
  	if (!ReceiveXlogStream(param->bgconn, param->startptr, param->timeline,
  						   param->sysidentifier, param->xlogdir,
! 						   reached_end_position, reached_end_position, standby_message_timeout))
  		 * Any errors will already have been reported in the function process,
*** a/src/bin/pg_basebackup/pg_receivexlog.c
--- b/src/bin/pg_basebackup/pg_receivexlog.c
*** 71,77 **** usage(void)
  static bool
  segment_callback(XLogRecPtr segendpos, uint32 timeline)
! 	if (verbose)
  		fprintf(stderr, _("%s: finished segment at %X/%X (timeline %u)\n"),
  				progname, segendpos.xlogid, segendpos.xrecoff, timeline);
--- 71,77 ----
  static bool
  segment_callback(XLogRecPtr segendpos, uint32 timeline)
! 	if (verbose && segendpos.xrecoff % XLOG_SEG_SIZE == 0)
  		fprintf(stderr, _("%s: finished segment at %X/%X (timeline %u)\n"),
  				progname, segendpos.xlogid, segendpos.xrecoff, timeline);
*** 82,88 **** segment_callback(XLogRecPtr segendpos, uint32 timeline)
  static bool
! continue_streaming(void)
  	if (time_to_abort)
--- 82,88 ----
  static bool
! continue_streaming(XLogRecPtr segendpos, uint32 timeline)
  	if (time_to_abort)
*** a/src/bin/pg_basebackup/receivelog.c
--- b/src/bin/pg_basebackup/receivelog.c
*** 113,120 **** open_walfile(XLogRecPtr startpoint, uint32 timeline, char *basedir, char *namebu
  	return f;
  static bool
! close_walfile(int walfile, char *basedir, char *walname)
  	off_t		currpos = lseek(walfile, 0, SEEK_CUR);
--- 113,126 ----
  	return f;
+ /*
+  * Close the current WAL file, and rename it to the correct filename if it's complete.
+  *
+  * If segment_complete is true, rename the current WAL file even if we've not
+  * completed writing the whole segment.
+  */
  static bool
! close_walfile(int walfile, char *basedir, char *walname, bool segment_complete)
  	off_t		currpos = lseek(walfile, 0, SEEK_CUR);
*** 141,149 **** close_walfile(int walfile, char *basedir, char *walname)
  	 * Rename the .partial file only if we've completed writing the
! 	 * whole segment.
! 	if (currpos == XLOG_SEG_SIZE)
  		char		oldfn[MAXPGPATH];
  		char		newfn[MAXPGPATH];
--- 147,155 ----
  	 * Rename the .partial file only if we've completed writing the
! 	 * whole segment or segment_complete is true.
! 	if (currpos == XLOG_SEG_SIZE || segment_complete)
  		char		oldfn[MAXPGPATH];
  		char		newfn[MAXPGPATH];
*** 206,211 **** localGetCurrentTimestamp(void)
--- 212,221 ----
   * return. As long as they return false, streaming will continue
   * indefinitely.
+  * The segment_finish callback will also be called when the
+  * streaming will stop to check whether the current log segment
+  * can be treated as a complete one.
+  *
   * standby_message_timeout controls how often we send a message
   * back to the master letting it know our progress, in seconds.
   * This message will only contain the write location, and never
*** 288,298 **** ReceiveXlogStream(PGconn *conn, XLogRecPtr startpos, uint32 timeline, char *sysi
  		 * Check if we should continue streaming, or abort at this point.
! 		if (stream_continue && stream_continue())
  			if (walfile != -1)
  				/* Potential error message is written by close_walfile */
! 				return close_walfile(walfile, basedir, current_walfile_name);
  			return true;
--- 298,310 ----
  		 * Check if we should continue streaming, or abort at this point.
! 		if (stream_continue && stream_continue(blockpos, timeline))
  			if (walfile != -1)
  				/* Potential error message is written by close_walfile */
! 				return close_walfile(walfile, basedir, current_walfile_name,
! 									 segment_finish != NULL ?
! 									 segment_finish(blockpos, timeline) : false);
  			return true;
*** 486,492 **** ReceiveXlogStream(PGconn *conn, XLogRecPtr startpos, uint32 timeline, char *sysi
  			/* Did we reach the end of a WAL segment? */
  			if (blockpos.xrecoff % XLOG_SEG_SIZE == 0)
! 				if (!close_walfile(walfile, basedir, current_walfile_name))
  					/* Error message written in close_walfile() */
  					return false;
--- 498,504 ----
  			/* Did we reach the end of a WAL segment? */
  			if (blockpos.xrecoff % XLOG_SEG_SIZE == 0)
! 				if (!close_walfile(walfile, basedir, current_walfile_name, false))
  					/* Error message written in close_walfile() */
  					return false;
*** a/src/bin/pg_basebackup/receivelog.h
--- b/src/bin/pg_basebackup/receivelog.h
*** 2,8 ****
   * Called whenever a segment is finished, return true to stop
!  * the streaming at this point.
  typedef bool (*segment_finish_callback)(XLogRecPtr segendpos, uint32 timeline);
--- 2,10 ----
   * Called whenever a segment is finished, return true to stop
!  * the streaming at this point. Also called when the streaming
!  * stops to check whether the current log segment can be
!  * treated as a complete one.
  typedef bool (*segment_finish_callback)(XLogRecPtr segendpos, uint32 timeline);
*** 10,16 **** typedef bool (*segment_finish_callback)(XLogRecPtr segendpos, uint32 timeline);
   * Called before trying to read more data. Return true to stop
   * the streaming at this point.
! typedef bool (*stream_continue_callback)(void);
  extern bool ReceiveXlogStream(PGconn *conn,
  							  XLogRecPtr startpos,
--- 12,18 ----
   * Called before trying to read more data. Return true to stop
   * the streaming at this point.
! typedef bool (*stream_continue_callback)(XLogRecPtr segendpos, uint32 timeline);
  extern bool ReceiveXlogStream(PGconn *conn,
  							  XLogRecPtr startpos,
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