> I looked into the complaint here of poor estimation for GIN
> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-performance/2012-02/msg00028.php
> At first glance it sounds like a mistake in selectivity estimation,
> but it isn't: the rowcount estimates are pretty nearly dead on.
> The problem is in the planner's estimate of the cost of executing the
> @@ operator.  We have pg_proc.procost set to 1 for ts_match_vq, but
> actually it's a good deal more expensive than that.  Some
> experimentation suggests that @@ might be about 500 times as expensive
> as a simple integer comparison.  I don't propose pushing its procost
> up that much, but surely at least 10 would be appropriate, maybe even
> 100.
> However ... if you just alter pg_proc.procost in Marc's example, the
> planner *still* picks a seqscan, even though its estimate of the
> seqscan
> cost surely does go up.  The reason is that its estimate of the GIN
> indexscan cost goes up just as much, since we charge one qual eval
> per returned tuple in gincostestimate.  It is easy to tell from the
> actual runtimes that that is not what's happening in a GIN indexscan;
> we are not re-executing the @@ operator for every tuple.  But the
> planner's cost model doesn't know that.


many thanks for your feedback.

I've repeated my test with a table using plain storage, which halved the
query time.
This confirms that detoasting is the major issue for cost estimation, 
but even with plain storage the table scan remains about 30% slower
compared to the index scan.

I've also looked for complex tsqueries where the planner would make a
better choice when the statistics are available
but found none. In some cases  I got an identical plan, in other an
inversion of the plans (with NOT operator(s)).

In all cases where the plans differed, the planner chose the worse one,
with severe time differences.
So a naive 'empirical' question: 

In case of an inverted index in non lossy situation, shouldn't the
planner also "invert" its cost assumptions?

best regards,

Marc Mamin

toast impact:

  query: select id from <table> where v @@ 'fooblablabla'::tsquery 

  toasted table, analyzed: 813 ms (table scan) 

  plain storage, analyzed: 404 ms (table scan) 

  without analyze: 280 ms (index scan)

other queries

    v @@ '(lexeme1 | lexeme4 ) &! (lexeme2 | lexeme3)'::tsquery 
    http://explain.depesz.com/s/BC7  (index scan im both cases)

    plan switch !
    v @@ '! fooblablabla'::tsquery

    plain storage, analyzed: 2280 ms (index scan !)
    without analyze: 760 ms    (table scan !)   

> There are a couple of issues that would have to be addressed to make
> this better:
> 1. If we shouldn't charge procost per row, what should we charge?
> It's probably reasonable to assume that the primitive GIN-index-entry
> comparison operations have cost equal to one cpu_operator_cost
> regardless of what's assigned to the user-visible operators, but I'm
> not convinced that that's sufficient to model complicated operators.
> It might be okay to charge that much per index entry visited rather
> than driving it off the number of heap tuples returned.  The code in
> gincostestimate goes to considerable lengths to estimate the number of
> index pages fetched, and it seems like it might be able to derive the
> number of index entries visited too, but it's not trying to account
> any CPU costs at the moment.
> 2. What about lossy operators, or lossy bitmap scans?  If either of
> those things happen, we *will* re-execute the @@ operator at visited
> tuples, so discounting its high cost would be a mistake.  But the
> planner has no information about either effect, since we moved all
> support for lossiness to runtime.
> I think it was point #2 that led us to not consider these issues
> before.
> But now that we've seen actual cases where the planner makes a poor
> decision because it's not modeling this effect, I think we ought to
> to do something about it.
> I haven't got time to do anything about this for 9.2, and I bet you
> don't either, but it ought to be on the TODO list to try to improve
> this.
> BTW, an entirely different line of thought is "why on earth is @@ so
> frickin expensive, when it's comparing already-processed tsvectors
> with only a few entries to an already-processed tsquery with only one
> entry??".  This test case suggests to me that there's something
> unnecessarily slow in there, and a bit of micro-optimization effort
> might be well repaid.
>                       regards, tom lane

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