On Tue, Mar 06, 2012 at 07:07:41AM +0100, Boszormenyi Zoltan wrote:
> 2012-03-05 19:56 keltez?ssel, Noah Misch ?rta:
> >> Or how about a new feature in the backend, so ECPG can do
> >> and the offset of computed from the actual cursor position and the 
> >> position known
> >> by the application? This way an app can do readahead and do work on rows 
> >> collected
> >> by the cursor with WHERE CURRENT OF which gets converted to WHERE OFFSET OF
> >> behind the scenes.
> > That's a neat idea, but I would expect obstacles threatening our ability to
> > use it automatically for readahead.  You would have to make the cursor a
> > SCROLL cursor.  We'll often pass a negative offset, making the operation 
> > fail
> > if the cursor query used FOR UPDATE.  Volatile functions in the query will 
> > get
> > more calls.  That's assuming the operation will map internally to something
> > like MOVE N; UPDATE ... WHERE CURRENT OF; MOVE -N.  You might come up with
> > innovations to mitigate those obstacles, but those innovations would 
> > probably
> > also apply to MOVE/FETCH.  In any event, this would constitute a substantive
> > patch in its own right.
> I was thinking along the lines of a Portal keeping the ItemPointerData
> for each tuple in the last FETCH statement. The WHERE OFFSET N OF cursor
> would treat the offset value relative to the tuple order returned by FETCH.
> So, OFFSET 0 OF == CURRENT OF and other values of N are negative.
> This way, it doesn't matter if the cursor is SCROLL, NO SCROLL or have
>  the default behaviour with "SCROLL in some cases". Then ECPGopen()
> doesn't have to play games with the DECLARE statement. Only ECPGfetch()
> needs to play with MOVE statements, passing different offsets to the backend,
> not what the application passed.

That broad approach sounds promising.  The main other consideration that comes
to mind is a plan to limit resource usage for a cursor that reads, say, 1B
rows.  However, I think attempting to implement this now will significantly
decrease the chance of getting the core patch features committed now.

> > One way out of trouble here is to make WHERE CURRENT OF imply READHEAD
> > 1/READHEAD 0 (incidentally, perhaps those two should be synonyms) on the
> > affected cursor.  If the cursor has some other readahead quantity declared
> > explicitly, throw an error during preprocessing.
> I played with this idea a while ago, from a different point of view.
> If the ECPG code had the DECLARE mycur, DML ... WHERE CURRENT OF mycur
> and OPEN mycur in exactly this order, i.e. WHERE CURRENT OF appears in
> a standalone function between DECLARE and the first OPEN for the cursor,
> then ECPG disabled readahead automatically for that cursor and for that
> cursor only. But this requires effort on the user of ECPG and can be very
> fragile. Code cleanup with reordering functions can break previously
> working code.

Don't the same challenges apply to accurately reporting an error when the user
specifies WHERE CURRENT OF for a readahead cursor?

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