> > Here are the details.
> Those probably aren't the same outer join queries.

I think you're right, these aren't the same, see below:

> > When I run the query "select yt1_name, yt1_descr, yt2_name, yt2_descr
> > from yuva_test1 left outer join yuva_test2 on yt1_id=yt2_id and yt2_name
> > = '2-name2'" on postgres database I get the following results
> Both conditions are part of the join condition for the outer join.
> > But when I tried the same on Oracle(8.1.7) (the query is "select
> > yt1_name, yt1_descr, yt2_name, yt2_descr from yuva_test1, yuva_test2
> > where yt1_id=yt2_id(+) and yt2_name = '2-name2'') I get the following
> > result

I think for Oracle the equivalent is:
select yt1_name,
  from yuva_test1, 
 where yt2_id (+)= yt1_id=yt2_id
   and yt2_name (+)= '2-name2'

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