Thomas Lockhart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> ... The behavior of initlocation has
> been absolutely no burden on -hackers for the nearly *5 years* that it
> has been available, and that is the best evidence that we're just
> talking through hats. Let's get on with it, or at least get back to
> being civil.

I do apologize if you felt I was being uncivil; that wasn't my
intention.  Nor do I want to overstate the importance of the issue;
as you say, this is just a small user-interface detail, not the meat
of the feature.

But ... my recollection is that we've had a *huge* number of complaints
about the initlocation behavior, at least by comparison to the number
of people using the feature.  No one can understand how it works,
let alone how to configure it so that it works reliably.  I really
fail to understand why you want to drive this new feature off environment
variables.  You say you've "pointed out the utility and desirability"
of doing it that way, but I sure missed it; would you explain again?

                        regards, tom lane

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