
* Stephen Frost ( wrote:
> > In all seriousness, this is not a great test case unless you can
> > provide some scripts to make it easy to run it in a reproducible
> > fashion.  Can you?
> Yeah, sure, I'll do that.  The PostGIS folks have scripts, but they're
> kind of ugly, tbh..  I'll give you what I used.

Alright, I made it dirt simple.  Get a DB set up, get PostGIS installed
in to it (or not, if you don't really want to..) and then download this:
(Note: it's ~3.7G)

It'll untar in to a 'testcase' directory.  If you have PostGIS
instealled already, just run testcase/create_linearwater.sql first, then
run all the other .sql files in there in parallel by passing them to
psql, eg:

for file in tl*.sql; do
        psql -d mydb -f $file &

It shouldn't take long to see stuff start blocking on that extension
lock, since the table starts out empty.

If you don't want to install PostGIS, just change the
create_linearwater.sql script to have a column at the end named
'the_geom' and nuke the 'AddGeometryColumn' call.  If you run into
trouble getting PG to exhibit the expected behavior, you might try
combining sets of files, like so:

for state in `ls tl_2011_* | cut -f3 -d_ | cut -c1,2 | sort -u`; do
        cat tl_2011_${state}*.sql | psql -d mydb &

Which will reduce the number of processes to just the number of states
and territories (eg: 56), while increasing the amount of work each is



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