"David E. Wheeler" <david.whee...@iovation.com> writes:
> HrmÂ…I've also just replicated it on CentOS 6.2 with Perl 5.10.1:


> Perhaps there is something funky in my configuration, though I tried a
> few different things and couldn't get it to change.

Yeah.  If Bruce and I don't see it on a couple of configurations apiece,
and you do see it on two different machines, personal configuration
choices start to sound like a likely contributing factor.  Could be
either PG configuration or Perl configuration (if there is any such
thing beyond installation-time decisions).

As for me, I was testing assert-enabled builds that were otherwise
entirely out-of-the-box, and I don't even know how to configure Perl.

                        regards, tom lane

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