On May31, 2012, at 01:16 , Sergey Koposov wrote:
> On Wed, 30 May 2012, Florian Pflug wrote:
>> I wonder if the huge variance could be caused by non-uniform synchronization 
>> costs across different cores. That's not all that unlikely, because at least 
>> some cache levels (L2 and/or L3, I think) are usually shared between all 
>> cores on a single die. Thus, a cache bouncing line between cores on the same 
>> die might very well be faster then it bouncing between cores on different 
>> dies.
>> On linux, you can use the taskset command to explicitly assign processes to 
>> cores. The easiest way to check if that makes a difference is to assign one 
>> core for each connection to the postmaster before launching your test. 
>> Assuming that cpu assignment are inherited to child processes, that should 
>> then spread your backends out over exactly the cores you specify.
> Wow, thanks! This seems to be working to some extend. I've found that 
> distributing each thread x ( 0<x<7) to the cpu 1+3*x
> (reminder, that i have HT disabled and in total I have 4 cpus with 6 proper 
> cores each) gives quite good results. And after a few runs, I seem to be 
> getting a more or less stable results for the multiple threads, with the 
> performance of multithreaded runs going from 6 to 11 seconds for various 
> threads. (another reminder is that 5-6 seconds  is roughly the timing of a my 
> queries running in a single  thread).

Wait, so performance *increased* by spreading the backends out over as many 
dies as possible, not by using as few as possible? That'd
be exactly the opposite of what I'd have expected. (I'm assuming that cores on 
one die have ascending ids on linux. If you could post the contents of 
/proc/cpuinfo, we could verify that)

> So to some extend one can say that the problem is partially solved (i.e. it 
> is probably understood)

Not quite, I think. We still don't really know why there's that much spinlock 
contention AFAICS. But what we've learned is that the actual
spinning on a contested lock is only part of the problem. The cache-line 
bouncing caused by all those lock acquisition is the other part, and it's 
pretty expensive too - otherwise, moving the backends around wouldn't have 

> But the question now is whether there is a *PG* problem here or not, or is it 
> Intel's or Linux's problem ?

Neither Intel nor Linux can do much about this, I fear. Synchronization will 
always be expensive, and the more so the larger the number of cores. Linux 
could maybe pick a better process to core assignment, but it probably won't be 
able to pick the optimal one for every workload. So unfortunately, this is a 
postgres problem I'd say.

> Because still the slowdown was caused by locking. If there wouldn't be 
> locking there wouldn't be any problems (as demonstrated a while ago by just 
> cat'ting the files in multiple threads).

Yup, we'll have to figure out a way to reduce the locking overhead. 9.2 already 
scales much better to a large number of cores than previous versions did, but 
your test case shows that there's still room for improvement.

best regards,
Florian Pflug

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