Noah Misch <> writes:
>> CREATE FUNCTION + ALTER FUNCTION OWNER TO is useful for creating another
>> user's untrusted-language SECURITY DEFINER function.  ALTER FUNCTION CALLED 
>> ON
>> NULL INPUT ought to require that the user be eligible to redefine the 
>> function
>> completely.

> Here's a patch implementing that restriction.  To clarify, I see no need to
> repeat *all* the CREATE-time checks; for example, there's no need to recheck
> permission to use the return type.  The language usage check is enough.

This seems bizarre and largely unnecessary.  As you stated to begin
with, granting ownership of a function implies some degree of trust.
I do not want to get into the business of parsing exactly which variants
of ALTER FUNCTION ought to be considered safe.  And I definitely don't
want to add a check that enforces restrictions against cases that have
got nothing whatever to do with C-language functions, as this patch

                        regards, tom lane

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