Peter Eisentraut <> writes:
> What is the latest theory on using int4 vs. int32 in C code?
> (equivalently int2, int16)

I thought the general idea was to use int32 most places, but int4 in
catalog declarations.  I don't think it's tremendously important if
somebody uses the other though.

> While we're at it, how do we feel about using C standard types like
> int32_t instead of (or initially in addition to) our own definitions?

Can't get very excited about this either.  The most likely outcome of
a campaign to substitute the standard types is that back-patching would
become a truly painful activity.  IMO, anything that is going to result
in tens of thousands of diffs had better have a more-than-cosmetic
reason.  (That wouldn't apply if we only used int32_t in new code ...
but then, instead of two approved ways to do it, there would be three.
Which doesn't seem like it improves matters.)

                        regards, tom lane

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