It has now happened at least twice that builds on spponbill started to
fail after it failed during ECPGcheck:

the first failure was:

so in both cases the postmaster was not shuting down properly and it was
in fact still running - I have attached gdb to to the still running backend:

(gdb) bt
#0  0x0000000208eb5928 in poll () from /usr/lib/
#1  0x000000020a972b88 in _thread_kern_poll (wait_reqd=Variable
"wait_reqd" is not available.
) at /usr/src/lib/libpthread/uthread/uthread_kern.c:784
#2  0x000000020a973d04 in _thread_kern_sched (scp=0x0) at
#3  0x000000020a96c080 in select (numfds=Variable "numfds" is not available.
) at /usr/src/lib/libpthread/uthread/uthread_select.c:170
#4  0x00000000003a2894 in ServerLoop () at postmaster.c:1321
#5  0x00000000003a45ac in PostmasterMain (argc=Variable "argc" is not
) at postmaster.c:1121
#6  0x0000000000326df8 in main (argc=6, argv=0xffffffffffff14f8) at
(gdb) print Shutdown
$2 = 2
(gdb) print pmState
(gdb) p *(Backend *) (BackendList->dll_head)
Cannot access memory at address 0x0
(gdb) p *BackendList
$9 = {dll_head = 0x0, dll_tail = 0x0}

all processes are still running:

pgbuild  18020  0.0  1.2  5952 12408 ??  I     Wed04AM    0:03.98
-D /
pgbuild  21483  0.0  0.7  6088  7296 ??  Is    Wed04AM    0:00.68
postgres: checkpointer process    (postgres)
pgbuild  12480  0.0  0.4  5952  4464 ??  Ss    Wed04AM    0:06.88
postgres: writer process    (postgres)
pgbuild   9841  0.0  0.5  5952  4936 ??  Ss    Wed04AM    0:06.92
postgres: wal writer process    (postgres)
pgbuild    623  0.1  0.6  7424  6288 ??  Ss    Wed04AM    4:16.76
postgres: autovacuum launcher process    (postgres)
pgbuild  30949  0.0  0.4  6280  3896 ??  Ss    Wed04AM    0:40.94
postgres: stats collector process    (postgres)

sending a manual kill -15 to either of them does not seem to make them
exit either...

I did some further investiagations with robert on IM but I don't think
he has any further ideas other than that I have a weird OS :)
It seems worth noticing that this is OpenBSD 5.1 on Sparc64 which has a
new threading implementation compared to older OpenBSD versions.


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