On 27/06/12 13:57, Jan Urbański wrote:
On 27/06/12 11:51, Asif Naeem wrote:

On Windows 7 64bit, plpython is causing server crash with the following
test case i.e.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pymax (a integer, b integer)
RETURNS integer
AS $$
if a> b:
return a
return b
$$ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
SELECT pymax(1, 2);

I think primary reason that trigger this issue is when Function
PLyUnicode_Bytes() calls "PyUnicode_AsEncodedString( ,WIN1252 /*Server
encoding*/, ) " it fails with null. I built latest pg 9.2 source code
python by using Visual Studio 2010. Thanks.

I'll try to reproduce this on Linux, which should be possible given the
results of your investigation.

Your analysis is correct, I managed to reproduce this by injecting

serverenc = "win1252";

into PLyUnicode_Bytes. The comment in that function says that Python understands all PostgreSQL encoding names except for SQL_ASCII, but that's not really true. In your case GetDatabaseEncodingName() returns "WIN1252" and Python accepts "CP125".

I'm wondering how this should be fixed. Just by adding more special cases in PLyUnicode_Bytes?

Even if we add a switch statement that would convert PG_WIN1250 into "CP1250", Python can still raise an exception when encoding (for various reasons). How about replacing the PLy_elog there with just an elog? This loses traceback support and the Python exception message, which could be helpful for debugging (something like "invalid character <foo> for encoding cp1250"). OTOH, I'm uneasy about invoking the entire PLy_elog machinery from a function that's as low-level as PLyUnicode_Bytes.

Lastly, we map SQL_ASCII to "ascii" which is arguably wrong. The function is supposed to return bytes in the server encoding, and under SQL_ASCII that probably means we can return anything (ie. use any encoding we deem useful). Using "ascii" as the Python codec name will raise an error on anything that has the high bit set.

So: I'd add code to translate WINxxx into CPxxx when choosing the Python to use, change PLy_elog to elog in PLyUnicode_Bytes and leave the SQL_ASCII case alone, as there were no complaints and people using SQL_ASCII are asking for it anyway.


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