Curt Sampson wrote:
> On Sun, 11 Aug 2002, Don Baccus wrote:
>>I've been wanting to point out that SQL views are really, when
>>scrutinized, "just syntactic sugar" ...
> Oh? Ok, please translate the following into equivalant SQL that
> does not use a view:
>     CREATE TABLE t1 (key serial, value1 text, value2 text);
>     CREATE VIEW v1 AS SELECT key, value1 FROM t1;
>     GRANT SELECT ON v1 TO sorin;

Granulize GRANT to the table column level.   Then GRANT "SELECT" perms 
for the user on every column from the two tables that happen to be 
included in the view.

Yes, it's awkward.   So are the VIEW-based replacements for PG's type 
extensibility features.

Don Baccus
Portland, OR,,

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