On 07/24/2012 01:48 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
I am running into a lot of customer situations where the customer
reports that "canceling autovacuum task" shows up in the logs, and
it's unclear whether this is happening often enough to matter, and
even more unclear what's causing it.

Me: So, do you know what table it's getting cancelled on?
Customer: Nope.
Me: Are you running any DDL commands anywhere in the cluster?
Customer: Nope, absolutely none.
Me: Well you've got to be running something somewhere or it wouldn't
be having a lock conflict.
Customer: OK, well I don't know of any.  What should I do?

It would be awfully nice if the process that does the cancelling would
provide the same kind of reporting that we do for a deadlock: the
relevant lock tag, the PID of the process sending the cancel, and the
query string.

+1 for more information on this.



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