We are going to prepare back-branch update releases to take care of
a couple of minor security issues that have been waiting much too
long already.  The schedule will be a bit unusual though: wrap tarballs
this Tuesday evening (that's tomorrow) for public announcement Friday
the 17th.

This is not because the security issues are unusually urgent; it's
because, after much arguing on the core and packagers lists about how
we could fit a release schedule around everybody's vacation and public
holiday dates, we were forced to the realization that it was either do
it right now or wait until September.  So we're doing it now.  Sorry
about the short notice, but there just wasn't any other way.

Memo to self: never again believe that we can get releases out during

                        regards, tom lane

PS: we are still planning to wrap 9.2RC1 next week, but we are not
expecting that the Windows installers will be available immediately
on the 27th.  They'll probably be a couple days later than that.

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