On Tuesday, September 04, 2012 6:55 PM Amit kapila wrote:
On Tuesday, September 04, 2012 12:42 AM Jeff Janes wrote:
On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 7:15 AM, Amit kapila <amit.kap...@huawei.com> wrote:
>>> This patch is based on below Todo Item:
>>> Consider adding buffers the background writer finds reusable to the free
>>> list
>>> I have tried implementing it and taken the readings for Select when all the
>>> data is in either OS buffers
>>> or Shared Buffers.
>>> The Patch has simple implementation for  "bgwriter or checkpoint process
>>> moving the unused buffers (unpinned with "ZERO" usage_count buffers) into
>>> "freelist".

>> I don't think InvalidateBuffer can be safely used in this way.  It
>> says "We assume
>> that no other backend could possibly be interested in using the page",
>> which is not true here.

> As I understood and anlyzed based on above, that there is problem in attached 
> patch such that in function
> InvalidateBuffer(), after UnlockBufHdr() and before PartitionLock if some 
> backend uses that buffer and 
> increase the usage count to 1, still
> InvalidateBuffer() will remove the buffer from hash table and put it in 
> Freelist.
> I have modified the code to address above by checking refcount & usage_count  
> inside Partition Lock
> , LockBufHdr and only after that move it to freelist which is similar to 
> InvalidateBuffer.
> In actual code we can optimize the current code by using extra parameter in 
> InvalidateBuffer.

> Please let me know if I understood you correctly or you want to say something 
> else by above comment?

The results for the updated code is attached with this mail.
The scenario is same as in original mail.
    1. Load all the files in to OS buffers (using pg_prewarm with 'read' 
operation) of all tables and indexes. 
    2. Try to load all buffers with "pgbench_accounts" table and 
"pgbench_accounts_pkey" pages (using pg_prewarm with 'buffers' operation). 
    3. Run the pgbench with select only for 20 minutes. 
Platform details: 
    Operating System: Suse-Linux 10.2 x86_64 
    Hardware : 4 core (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5408 @ 2.13GHz) 
    RAM : 24GB 
Server Configuration: 
    shared_buffers = 5GB     (1/4 th of RAM size) 
    Total data size = 16GB
Pgbench configuration: 
        transaction type: SELECT only 
        scaling factor: 1200 
        query mode: simple 
        number of clients: <varying from 8 to 64 > 
        number of threads: <varying from 8 to 64 > 
        duration: 1200 s

I shall take further readings for following configurations and post the same:
1. The intention for taking with below configuration is that, with the defined 
testcase, there will be some cases where I/O can happen. So I wanted to check 
the impact of it.

Shared_buffers - 7 GB
number of clients: <varying from 8 to 64 > 
 number of threads: <varying from 8 to 64 > 
transaction type: SELECT only 

2.The intention for taking with below configuration is that, with the defined 
testcase, memory kept for shared buffers is less then the recommended. So I 
wanted to check the impact of it.
Shared_buffers - 2 GB
number of clients: <varying from 8 to 64 > 
number of threads: <varying from 8 to 64 > 
transaction type: SELECT only 

3. The intention for taking with below configuration is that, with the defined 
testcase, it will test mix of dml operations where there will be I/O due to dml 
operations. So I wanted to check the impact of it.
Shared_buffers - 5GB
number of clients: <varying from 8 to 64 > 
number of threads: <varying from 8 to 64 > 
transaction type: tpc_b

> One problem I could see with proposed change is that in some cases the usage 
> count will get decrement for > a buffer allocated
> from free list immediately as it can be nextvictimbuffer.
> However there can be solution to this problem.

With Regards,
Amit Kapila.
Original Postgres 9.3devel
SIZE 16GB-5GB 16GB-5GB 16GB - 5GB 16GB - 5GB
Clients 8C / 8T 16C / 16T 32C / 32T 64C / 64T
RUN-1 60269 72325329 52853 63425001 32562 39096275 15375 18502725
RUN-2 60370 72451857 58453 70151866 33181 39841490 16348 19670518
RUN-3 59292 71159080 58976 70782600 33584 40344977 16469 19801260
Average 59977 71978755 56761 68119822 33109 39760914 16064 19324834
Bgwriter/Checkpoint process moving unused bufferes to Free List modification
SIZE 16GB-5GB 16GB-5GB 16GB - 5GB 16GB - 5GB
Clients 8C / 8T 16C / 16T 32C / 32T 64C / 64T
RUN-1 60020 72025508 59394 71297211 56372 67676069 26572 31987430
RUN-2 60178 72218315 59069 70899995 56079 67317399 28143 33804132
RUN-3 59827 71798632 59138 70978721 56186 67454424 28991 34794683
Average 60008 72014152 59200 71058642 56212 67482631 27902 33528748
Diff in % With Original
Difference 0.052 0.049 4.297 4.314 69.78 69.72 73.69 73.5
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