On Tue, 2002-08-13 at 19:54, Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:
> > I'm finding it hard to visualize situations where I'd want the extra
> > baggage of pg_dump for something like this.  If I want the schema at
> > all, I'll probably want it separate from the data so that I can hack
> > the schema conveniently --- so I'd want to do a "pg_dump -s -t table"
> > and then do the selective copying separately.
> Tell you what I'd kill for:
> pg_dump -t users_\* db > users.sql
> Sort of thing.
> Chris

I'd kill for pg_restore --ignore-missing-objects --clean .... so I could
run refreshes against databases that are changing schemas rather than
having to constantly edit the output of -l.

I'd also kill for pg_restore --ignore-existing-objects .... so I could
run the darn thing against a database that's already got pl/pgsql
installed in template1 and the dump file wants to install it again etc.


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