> Summary:
>     1. The current implementation is broken.
>     2. We have no proper description of how a "fixed" implementation
>     should work.
>     3. It's hard to fix the current implementation without such a
>     description.
>     4. Thus, we are in other messages here trying to work out the
>     model and come up with such a description.
>     5. The people working this out at the moment appear to be me,
>     Greg Copeland and Hannu Krosing.
> cjs

I've been following the thread on and off, but maybe we should come up with 
a list of specifically what is broken... I have used the oo feature in the 
past and the only thing I dont care for about it is the lack of 
documentation/examples/etc of how it really works and the fact that 
constraints/indicies/etc are not inherited by child tables.

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