On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 3:27 PM, Alvaro Herrera
<alvhe...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> * tuplesort memory usage: grow_memtuples
>   Greg Stark signed up for this

I'll commit this later this week. I looked at it briefly at the
conference but I think it actually does need some minor tweaks.

> * Trim trailing NULL columns
>   Josh Berkus was going to do performance testing, but if he published
>   anything I can't find it.  Robert said, in the previous commitfest,
>   that if the benchmarks were right then "this patch is ready to go in".
>   It's been long since any committer weighed in on this thread, though.
> I vaguely recall Greg Stark signed up for another patch recently, but I
> can't readily find which one it was.

In the commitfest app I put my name down on the trim trailing NULL
columns patch. I'm generally for the idea and the benchmarks looked
convincing so unless there's something obviously broken I'll probably
commit it more or less as-is.


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