On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 3:24 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> During normal running, operations such as btree page splits are
> extremely careful about the order in which they acquire and release
> buffer locks, if they're doing something that concurrently modifies
> multiple pages.
> During WAL replay, that all goes out the window.  Even if an individual
> WAL-record replay function does things in the right order for "standard"
> cases, RestoreBkpBlocks has no idea what it's doing.  So if one or more
> of the referenced pages gets treated as a full-page image, we are left
> with no guarantee whatsoever about what order the pages are restored in.
> That never mattered when the code was originally designed, but it sure
> matters during Hot Standby when other queries might be able to see the
> intermediate states.
> I can't prove that this is the cause of bug #7648,

(I was the reporter of 7648)

To lend slightly more circumstantial evidence in support of this, I
also happened to note that the relfile in question was the last
segment and it was about a quarter full, so the access attempt was
definitely at the extreme outermost edge of the index most generally.


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