* Robert Haas (robertmh...@gmail.com) wrote:
> Yeah.  The thing that concerns me is that I think we have a pretty
> decent number of memory contexts where the expected number of
> allocations is very small ... and we have the context *just in case*
> we do more than that in certain instances.  I've seen profiles where
> the setup/teardown costs of memory contexts are significant ... which
> doesn't mean that those examples would perform better with fewer
> memory contexts, but it's enough to make me pause for thought.

So, for my 2c, I'm on the other side of this, personally.  We have
memory contexts for more-or-less exactly this issue.  It's one of the
great things about PG- it's resiliant and very unlikely to have large or
bad memory leaks in general, much of which can, imv, be attributed to
our use of memory contexts.



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