Tom Lane wrote:
> Joe Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>I'm running Red Hat 7.3 at home. For the fun of it, I put:
>>   #define NO_MKTIME_BEFORE_1970
>>But I'm still getting the < 1970 regression test failures. What else do 
>>I need to do?
> I'd assume you need to select different regression comparison file(s)
> in src/test/regress/resultmap - probably horology-no-DST-before-1970.

<slaps head>I guess that makes perfect sense!

Is /src/include/port/linux.h the correct place to put this or should 
something more specific to Red Hat 7.3 be used (and if so, any ideas 
about how to detect that Red Hat 7.3 is being used)?



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