Absolutely, I have been looking into this and I have some thoughts, but right 
now all I was trying to do was some rough implementations just to help me 
make sure I understand all / most of the issues.  I am very new to hacking on 
the guts of the backend.  

I plan on posting a formal proposal when I feel more confident as to what I'm 
talking about.

On Friday 16 August 2002 10:10 am, Jan Wieck wrote:
> "Matthew T. O'Connor" wrote:
> > Hello, I'm playing with creating an auto vacuum daemon, but it is my
> > first time inside the pg source code and I'm a bit lost.
> >
> > I have gotten as far as having a vacuum daemon created on postmaster
> > startup. It's just a fork from the postmaster, cribbed mostly from the
> > stat collector code.
> I recall that there has been discussion and so far the conclusion that
> an automatic vacuum daemon is not the solution everyone needs. If you
> really want to spend the effort on doing this, can we please see some
> proposal about possible configuration options, how the daemon decides
> what to vacuum when and the like?
> Jan

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