On Fri, 2012-11-16 at 11:58 -0500, Robert Haas wrote:
> > Also, I am wondering about PD_ALL_VISIBLE. It was originally introduced
> > in the visibility map patch, apparently as a way to know when to clear
> > the VM bit when doing an update. It was then also used for scans, which
> > showed a significant speedup. But I wonder: why not just use the
> > visibilitymap directly from those places?
> Well, you'd have to look up, lock and pin the page to do that.  I
> suspect that overhead is pretty significant.  The benefit of noticing
> that the flag is set is that you need not call HeapTupleSatisfiesMVCC
> for each tuple on the page: checking one bit in the page header is a
> lot cheaper than calling that function for every tuple.  However, if
> you had to lock and pin a second page in order to check whether the
> page is all-visible, I suspect it wouldn't be a win; you'd probably be
> better off just doing the HeapTupleSatisfiesMVCC checks for each
> tuple.

That's pretty easy to test. Here's what I got on a 10M record table
(Some runs got some strangely high numbers around 1700ms, which I assume
is because it's difficult to keep the data in shared buffers, so I took
the lower numbers.):

  PD_ALL_VISIBLE:  661ms
  VM Lookup:       667ms
  Neither:         740ms

Even if pinning the vm buffer were slow, we could keep the pin longer
during a scan (it seems like the VM API is designed for that kind of a
use case), so I don't think scans are a problem at all, even if there is
a lot of concurrency.

> One of the main advantages of PD_ALL_VISIBLE is that if you do an
> insert, update, or delete on a page where that bit isn't set, you need
> not lock and pin the visibility map page, because you already know
> that the bit will be clear in the visibility map.   If the data is
> being rapidly modified, you'll get the benefit of this optimization
> most of the time, only losing it when vacuum has visited recently.  I
> hope that's not premature optimization because I sure sweat a lot of
> blood last release cycle to keep it working like that.  I had a few
> doubts at the time about how much we were winning there, but I don't
> actually have any hard data either way, so I would be reluctant to
> assume it doesn't matter.

This is a more plausible concern, because it's per-tuple rather than

However, I think we might be able to save the current VM buffer across
multiple calls of heap_insert|update|delete in nodeModifyTable. At first
glance, it doesn't look very difficult.

It's unfortunate that I didn't think much about this while you were
working on it before; but difficult-to-write code is also difficult to
maintain, so simplifying it would be nice.

> Even if it doesn't, the sequential-scan optimization definitely
> matters a LOT, as you can easily verify.

I am in no way suggesting that we remove that optimization; I am
suggesting that we can get the exact same benefit by looking at the VM

> One approach that I've been hoping to pursue is to find a way to make
> CLOG lookups cheaper and more concurrent.  I started to work on some
> concurrent hash table code, which you can find here:
> http://git.postgresql.org/gitweb/?p=users/rhaas/postgres.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/chash
> The concurrency properties of this code are vastly better than what we
> have now, but there are cases where it loses vs. dynahash when there's
> no concurrency.  That might be fixable or just not a big deal, though.
>  A bigger problem is that I got sucked off into other things before I
> was able to get as far with it as I wanted to; in particular, I have
> only unit test results for it, and haven't tried to integrate it into
> the SLRU code yet.

Great work!

> But I'm not sure any of this is going to fundamentally chip away at
> the need for hint bits all that much.  Making CLOG lookups cheaper or
> less frequent is all to the good, but the prognosis for improving
> things enough that we can dump some or all of the hint bits completely
> seems uncertain at best.  Even if we COULD dump everything but
> heap-xmin-committed, how much would that really help with the
> disk-write problem?   I bet heap-xmin-committed gets set far more
> often than the other three put together.

Right now I'm setting my sights on PD_ALL_VISIBLE. I know that causes a
lot of extra page dirties, and it seems like it doesn't serve all that
much purpose after the VM became crash-safe. And it would simplify the

If we can't get rid of the other hint bits, then so be it.

> > But the other tuple hint bits seem to be there just for symmetry,
> > because they shouldn't last long. If HEAP_XMIN_INVALID or
> > HEAP_XMAX_COMMITTED is set, then it's (hopefully) going to be vacuumed
> > soon, and gone completely. And if HEAP_XMAX_INVALID is set, then it
> > should just be changed to InvalidTransactionId.
> However, that solution only works for invalid-xmin.  For
> committed-xmax, there could actually be quite a long time before the
> page can be pruned, because there can be some other backend holding an
> old snapshot open.

I think I'll set aside this part of the idea for now, because it doesn't
seem like a huge win after I thought about it, anyway. If
HEAP_XMIN_INVALID or HEAP_XMAX_COMMITTED are set, it's likely to be
dirty anyway, unless it's a bulk delete or something.

        Jeff Davis

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