On 11/16/2012 03:05 PM, Andres Freund wrote:
>> I'd like to provide a comparison of the proposed change set format to
>> the one used in Postgres-R.
> Uh, sorry to interrupt you right here, but thats not the "proposed
> format" ;)

Understood. Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that. It's pretty obvious to
me that this is more of a human readable format and that others,
including binary formats, can be implemented. I apologize for the bad
wording of a "proposed format", which doesn't make that clear.

>> The Postgres-R approach is independent of WAL and its format, where as
>> the approach proposed here clearly is not. Either way, there is a
>> certain overhead - however minimal it is - which the former adds to the
>> transaction processing itself, while the later postpones it to a
>> separate XLogReader process. If there's any noticeable difference, it
>> might reduce latency in case of asynchronous replication, but can only
>> increase latency in the synchronous case. As far as I understood Andres,
>> it was easier to collect the additional meta data from within the
>> separate process.
> There also is the point that if you do the processing inside heap_* you
> need to make sure the replication targeted data is safely received &
> fsynced away, in "our" case thats not necessary as WAL already provides
> crash safety, so should the replication connection break you can simply
> start from the location last confirmed as being safely sent.

In the case of Postgres-R, the "safely received" part isn't really
handled at the change set level at all. And regarding the fsync
guarantee: you can well use the WAL to provide that, without basing
change set generation on in. In that regard, Postgres-R is probably the
more general approach: you can run Postgres-R with WAL turned off
entirely - which may well make sense if you take into account the vast
amount of cloud resources available, which don't have a BBWC. Instead of
WAL, you can add more nodes at more different locations. And no, you
don't want your database to ever go down, anyway  :-)

>> In summary, I'd say that Postgres-R is an approach specifically
>> targeting and optimized for multi-master replication between Postgres
>> nodes, where as the proposed patches are kept more general.
> One major aim definitely was optionally be able to replicate into just
> about any target system, so yes, I certainly agree.

I'm glad I got that correct ;-)


Markus Wanner

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