On 11/30/2012 04:29 PM, Andrew Dunstan wrote:

On 11/30/2012 10:04 AM, Hannu Krosing wrote:

OK, so based on this discussion, I'm thinking of the following:

 * keep the original functions and operators. json_keys is still
   required for the case where the json is not flat.
 * json_each(json) => setof (text, text)
   errors if the json is not a flat object

Why not json_each(json) => setof (text, json) ? with no erroring out ?

if the json does represent text it is easy to convert to text on the query side.

Well, it would be possible, sure. I'm not sure how useful. Or we could do both fairly easily. It's not as simple or efficient as you might think to dequote / de-escape json string values, which is why the original API had variants for returning both types of values. Maybe we need a function for doing just that.

Btw, how does current json type handle code pages - is json always utf-8 even when server encoding is not ?

if so then we could at least have a shortcut conversion of json to utf8-text which can skip codepage changes.


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