On 12/4/2012 1:51 PM, Kevin Grittner wrote:
Jan Wieck wrote:

[arguments for GUCs]

This is getting confusing. I thought I had already conceded the
case for autovacuum_truncate_lock_try, and you appeared to spend
most of your post arguing for it anyway. I think. It's a little
hard to tell. Perhaps the best thing is to present the issue to the
list and solicit more opinions on what to do. Please correct me if
I mis-state any of this.

The primary problem this patch is solving is that in some
workloads, autovacuum will repeatedly try to truncate the unused
pages at the end of a table, but will continually get canceled
after burning resources because another process wants to acquire a
lock on the table which conflicts with the one held by autovacuum.
This is handled by the deadlock checker, so another process must
block for the deadlock_timeout interval each time. All work done by
the truncate phase of autovacuum is lost on each interrupted
attempt. Statistical information is not updated, so another attempt
will trigger the next time autovacuum looks at whether to vacuum
the table.

It's obvious that this pattern not only fails to release
potentially large amounts of unused space back to the OS, but the
headbanging can continue to consume significant resources and for
an extended period, and the repeated blocking for deadlock_timeout
could cause latency problems.

The patch has the truncate work, which requires
AccessExclusiveLock, check at intervals for whether another process
is waiting on its lock. That interval is one of the timings we need
to determine, and for which a GUC was initially proposed. I think
that the check should be fast enough that doing it once every 20ms
as a hard-coded interval would be good enough. When it sees this
situation, it truncates the file for as far as it has managed to
get, releases its lock on the table, sleeps for an interval, and
then checks to see if the lock has become available again.

How long it should sleep between tries to reacquire the lock is
another possible GUC. Again, I'm inclined to think that this could
be hard-coded. Since autovacuum was knocked off-task after doing
some significant work, I'm inclined to make this interval a little
bigger, but I don't think it matters a whole lot. Anything between
20ms and 100ms seens sane. Maybe 50ms?

At any point that it is unable to acquire the lock, there is a
check for how long this autovacuum task has been starved for the
lock. Initially I was arguing for twice the deadlock_timeout on the
basis that this would probably be short enough not to leave the
autovacuum worker sidelined for too long, but long enough for the
attempt to get past a single deadlock between two other processes.
This is the setting Jan is least willing to concede.

If the autovacuum worker does abandon the attempt, it will keep
retrying, since we go out of our way to prevent the autovacuum
process from updating the statistics based on the "incomplete"
processing. This last interval is not how long it will attempt to
truncate, but how long it will keep one autovacuum worker making
unsuccessful attempts to acquire the lock before it is put to other
uses. Workers will keep coming back to this table until the
truncate phase is completed, just as it does without the patch; the
difference being that anytime it gets the lock, even briefly, it is
able to persist some progress.

That is all correct.

So the question on the table is which of these three intervals
should be GUCs, and what values to use if they aren't.

I could live with all the above defaults, but would like to see more comments on them.


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