
I tested some usage of LATERAL clause, and I found so LATERAL doesn't
respects difference between VOLATILE and IMMUTABLE functions.

Is this behave expected?

-- unexpected
postgres=# select * from generate_series(1,3) g(v), LATERAL (SELECT random()) x;
 v │      random
 1 │ 0.63025646051392
 2 │ 0.63025646051392
 3 │ 0.63025646051392
(3 rows)

-- expected
postgres=# select * from generate_series(1,3) g(v), LATERAL (SELECT
random() - v + v) x;
 v │     ?column?
 1 │ 0.381548477802426
 2 │ 0.762988060247153
 3 │ 0.181648664642125
(3 rows)


Pavel Stehule

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