* Robert Haas (robertmh...@gmail.com) wrote:
> > * "Applies to all commands" should not be implemented via triggers.
> > Complex, slow, unacceptable thing to force upon users. Doing that begs
> > the question of why we would have the feature at all, since we already
> > have triggers and barrier views.

I would rather neither requires writing custom triggers but rather both
are supported through this feature.

> I agree that it is questionable whether we need this feature given
> that we already have security barrier views.

This I don't agree with- the plan has long been to have PG-specific RLS
first and then to support SELinux capabilities on top of it.  We didn't
want to have SELinux-specific functionality that couldn't be achieved
without SELinux being involved, and I continue to agree with that.

There are many situations, environments, and individuals that would
view having to implement RLS through views and triggers as being
far-and-away too painful and error-prone to rely on.



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