Hello, Tom-san, folks,

From: "Tom Lane" <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us>
I think if we want to make it bulletproof we'd have to do what the
OP suggested and switch to SIGKILL.  I'm not enamored of that for the
reasons I mentioned --- but one idea that might dodge the disadvantages
is to have the postmaster wait a few seconds and then SIGKILL any
backends that hadn't exited.

I think if we want something that's actually trustworthy, the
wait-and-then-kill logic has to be in the postmaster.

I'm sorry to be late to submit a patch. I made a fix according to the above comment. Unfortunately, it was not in time for 9.1.8 release... I hope this patch will be included in 9.1.9.

Could you review the patch?  The summary of the change is:
1. postmaster waits for children to terminate when it gets an immediate shutdown request, instead of exiting.

2. postmaster sends SIGKILL to remaining children if all of the child processes do not terminate within 10 seconds since the start of immediate shutdown or FatalError condition.

3. On Windows, kill(SIGKILL) calls TerminateProcess().

4. Documentation change to describe the behavior of immediate shutdown.


Attachment: reliable_immediate_shutdown.patch
Description: Binary data

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