* Robert Haas (robertmh...@gmail.com) wrote:
> True, but I'm with Heikki: it's a pedantic and unhelpful guideline.

Then let's change it, drop the preference, and update the documentation.
I'd certainly prefer that to getting shot for pointing out to patch
submitters that they're not following our documented guidelines.

> Everyone here who reviews patches regularly knows how to, and probably
> does, convert between those formats with regularity.  Making patch
> submitters feel badly because they've used the "wrong" format does not
> advance the goals of the project.

For my part, I'd rather put the onus on the submitter to submit a
readable patch in the first part than ask the reviewer and anyone else
interested in looking at the patch to fix it.  That's even more true
when you consider the archives and reading patches through the web
interface (though downloading the original mail message has gotten
better with the new archive code).



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