2013/3/5 Kevin Grittner <kgri...@ymail.com>:

> Perhaps it would be worth looking for anything in the patch that
> you think might be painting us into a corner where it would be hard
> to do all the other cool things.  While it's late enough in the
> process that changing anything like that which you find would be
> painful, it might be a lot more painful later if we release without
> doing something about it.  My hope, of course, is that you won't
> find any such thing.  With this patch I've tried to provide a
> minimal framework onto which these other things can be bolted.
> I've tried hard not to do anything which would make it hard to
> extend, but new eyes may see something I missed.

(Without having looked at the patch, or even the documentation :-/.)

I think that something that might prove useful is the following:
Keeping in mind the possibility of storing something in the matview’s
heap that doesn’t correspond to what a SELECT * FROM matview would
yield (i.e., the “logical content”). The transformation could be
performed by an INSTEAD rule (similar to how a view is expanded to its
definition, a reference to a matview would expand to its heap content
transformed to the “logical content”).

(Note that I don’t have any reason to believe that the current
implementation would make this more difficult than it should be.)

<ridiculously long rationale for the previous>

(All the following requires making matviews (inter- and intra-)
transactionally up-to-date w.r.t. their base tables at the moment of
querying them. I don’t deal with approximate results, however useful
that might be.)

I think that the possibility of optimizing COUNT(*) (see mail by Greg
Stark in this thread with “the queue of updates with transacion
information that are periodically flattened into the aggregate”) can
be generalized to generic aggregation that way. The idea would be that
a transaction that adds (or deletes or updates) a row in a base table
causes a “delta” row version in the matview. Selecting from the
matview then merges these deltas into one value (for each row that is
logically present in the matview). Every once in a while (or rather
quite often, if the base tables change often), a VACUUM-like clean-up
operations must be run to merge all rows that are “old enough” (i.e.,
whose transactions are not in flight anymore).

Example of trivial aggregation matview weight_per_kind defined as:

SELECT kind, SUM(weight) FROM fruit GROUP BY kind;

The matview would then physically contain rows such as:

xmin, xmax, kind, weight
1000, 0, 'banana', 123
1000, 0, 'apple', 1
1001, 0, 'banana', 2
1002, 0, 'banana', -3

Which means:

* tx 1000 probably performed a clean-up operation and merged a bunch
of banana rows together to yield 123; it also inserted an apple of
weight 1.
* tx 1001 inserted a banana of weight 2. Any clean-up operation coming
by could not merge the 2 into the first row, as long as tx 1000 is in
flight. Otherwise, it would yield 125; physically this would mean
adding a 125 row, marking the 123 and 2 rows as deleted, and then
waiting for VACUUM to remove them).
* tx 1002 deleted a banana with weight 3.

The result of a SELECT * FROM weight_per_kind; would actually execute
SELECT kind, SUM_merge(weight) FROM heap_of_weight_per_kind GROUP BY

This would result, for tx 1001 (assuming tx 1000 committed and our
snapshot can see it), in:

kind, weight
'banana', 125
'apple', 1

(The -3 is not taken into account, because it is not visible to tx 1001.)

The operator to use at the location of SUM_merge is something that
merges multiple aggregation results (plus results that represent some
kind of “negation”) together. For SUM, it would be SUM itself and the
negation would be numerical negation. There might also be some kind of
“difference” concept used for UPDATE: When updating a weight from 4 to
3, the difference would be -1. Those additional properties could
optionally be added to the definition of each aggregation function; It
must be done for each function that you want to use in such a way.

Other aggregation functions such as AVG would require storing the SUM
+ number of rows in the matview (otherwise two AVGs could not be
merged); again a difference between the heap and the logical content.
Functions such as MIN and MAX are more difficult to fit in this
framework: I can only see how it would work if row deletion were not
allowed (which might still be a valid use-case); luckily, I think MIN
and MAX are not the typical things for which you would want to use
matviews, because quick computation can typically be done directly
using the base tables.

This whole thing would result in incremental updates of
aggregation-matviews that don’t require physical serialization of the
transactions that update the base tables and that query the matview,
which other models (that depend on correspondence between the heap and
logical content of matviews) would probably require.

And that’s where I stop rambling because nobody gets this far anyway,
and I urgently need some sleep :-).

</ridiculously long rationale>


A. Because it breaks the logical sequence of discussion.
Q. Why is top posting bad?

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