Tom Lane wrote:
> Joe Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Actually, I left off trying to figure out how to pass the columndef to 
>>ExecMakeFunctionResult in the first place.
> That was hard yesterday, but it's easy today because nodeFunctionscan
> isn't using ExecEvalExpr anymore --- we'd only have to add one more
> parameter to ExecMakeTableFunctionResult and we're there.

I didn't even realize you had changed that! Things move quickly around 
here ;-). I'll take a look this morning.

>>Preference of extending FunctionCallInfoData or ReturnSetInfo?
> Definitely ReturnSetInfo.  If we put it in FunctionCallInfoData then
> that's an extra word to zero for *every* fmgr function call, not only
> table functions.


> One thing to notice is that a table function that's depending on this
> info being available will have to punt if it's invoked via
> ExecMakeFunctionResult (ie, it's being called in a SELECT targetlist).
> That doesn't bother me too much, but maybe others will see it
> differently.

It's an important safety tip, but it doesn't bother me either. I think 
you have suggested before that SRFs in SELECT targetlists should be 
deprecated/removed. I'd take that one step further and say that SELECT 
targetlists should only allow a scalar result, but obviously there are 
some backwards compatibility issues there.


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