Using current CVS sources (as of 1500 EDT), 'make check' fails at the
database initialization step.

This box is running RH 7.3 with all current RH updates, and has
successfully built Pg 7.2.1 and 7.2.2.

Here's how I'm configuring it (same as I'm doing under the RH Null Beta,
which works fine):

./configure --prefix=/opt/postgresql --with-java --with-python  --with-openssl 
--enable-syslog --enable-debug --enable-cassert

Here's what src/test/regress/log/initdb.log says:

Running with noclean mode on. Mistakes will not be cleaned up.
 relocation error: 
 undefined symbol: pg_char_to_encoding
initdb: pg_encoding failed

Perhaps you did not configure PostgreSQL for multibyte support or
the program was not successfully installed.

My understanding is that --enable-multibyte is now the default on 7.3,
and indeed it works fine on RH Null.

I also did a diff of the config.log on both boxes, and didn't see
any major differences (little things like not having the SGML/Docbook
stuff on this box).

If the config.log files would be useful, I can send them.



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  is the chance to work hard at work worth doing."
       -- Theodore Roosevelt

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