Hi all,

I have been writing pg extensions for a while but I just ran into a problem that has me stumped.

I have code for a SRF and it works fine on pg 9.2.2 on linux, but fails with am error in the logfile.

TRAP: FailedAssertion("!(context != CurrentMemoryContext)", File: "mcxt.c", Line: 172)

I have run it in single user mode with valgrind on linux and it is clean from memory overwrites or leaks. I fails under mingw 32 bit and mingw 64 bit builds. I have other code that works fine so I don't think it is a build environment issue.

I have also run tests on the library using a test harness (ie: outside of postgresql) and it runs clean on windows and linux.

The code runs and generates the correct results, and this crash is when I call SPI_finish().

So I would appreciate any ideas on how I can trace done the issue and fix it.


The code and my mingw build is below, the paths would need to change for another environment. The source file in questions is address_standardizer.c if you want to look at it. If you want to run it let me know and I can provide details.

wget -O pagc-postgresql.tgz 'http://pagc.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/pagc/branches/sew-refactor/postgresql/?view=tar'
rm -rf postgresql
tar xzf pagc-postgresql.tgz
cd postgresql

export PATH='/c/ming32/projects/gettext/rel-gettext-0.18.1/bin:/c/ming32/projects/xsltproc:/c/ming32/projects/gtk/bin:/c/ming32/projects/rel-libiconv-1.13.1w32/include:.:/bin:/include:/mingw/bin:/mingw/include:/c/Windows/system32:/c/Windows:/usr/local/bin:/c/ming32/Silksvn/bin::/c/ming32/projects/pgx32/pg92w32/bin:/c/ming32/projects/pgx32/pg92w32/lib'

make SHLIB_LINK="-L/c/ming32/msys/local/lib -Wl,--enable-stdcall-fixup -lpostgres -lpgport -lwsock32 -lm -lws2_32 -lshfolder -lpcre" CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include && make install

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