Gordon Runkle wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-08-30 at 21:45, Joe Conway wrote:
>>That's due to a glibc change and is expected, if not desired. Complain 
>>to Red Hat. For more info, see previous threads on HACKERS, notably this 
> Yeah, I remember that.  The impression I had from the whole thing was
> that, yeah, it's a glibc issue, but it still has to be fixed.
> I guess I misunderstood?

Well a "real" fix sounded like a lot of work, and no one had the right 
combination of time/desire/knowledge/skill to go implement it. The 
"workaround" fix was discussed in this more recent thread:


It still isn't clear to me exactly what needs to be done to implement 
the workaround, and since I don't really *need* dates before 1970 for my 
own purposes (presently at least), I haven't tried to figure it out in 
favor of other priorities.

But I'm sure a fix would be enthusiastically greeted on the PATCHES list ;-)


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