On 04/25/2013 10:42 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
Christopher Manning <c...@christophermanning.org> writes:
Fabrízio and Tom,
I know that you can use  --variable="FETCH_COUNT=10000" from the
psql command line, but internally that uses a CURSOR to batch the rows and
[Redshift doesn't support CURSOR](
https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?threadID=122664&tstart=0) so it's
not an option when using psql to download data from Redshift.
I don't know what redshift is,

It's an Amazon product based on release 8.0, but with many many features removed (e.g. Indexes!)

but I have very little patience with the
idea of burdening psql with yet another random feature in order to work
around deficiencies in somebody else's software.  Considering that the
earliest any such thing could reach the field would be 9.4, it seems not
unlikely that the need for it would be gone by next year anyway.


Plus there is the fact that we have no way to test it against redshift anyway.

It should be up to Amazon to produce a useful psql program that works with redshift, not us. We have enough to do to support our own product.

If this is to be justified at all it needs to be without reference to redshift.



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