On 17.05.2013 19:03, Boszormenyi Zoltan wrote:
2013-05-17 16:05 keltezéssel, Heikki Linnakangas írta:
On 18.02.2013 16:35, Boszormenyi Zoltan wrote:
2013-01-29 11:15 keltezéssel, Magnus Hagander írta:
On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 7:04 AM, Hari Babu <haribabu.ko...@huawei.com>
On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 11:48 PM, Magnus Hagander wrote:
On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 10:18 AM, Hari Babu
Test scenario to reproduce:
1. Start the server
2. create the user as follows
./psql postgres -c "create user user1 superuser login
password 'use''1'"

3. Take the backup with -R option as follows.
./pg_basebackup -D ../../data1 -R -U user1 -W

The following errors are occurring when the new standby on the
database starts.

FATAL: could not connect to the primary server: missing "=" after
connection info string
What does the resulting recovery.conf file look like?
The recovery.conf which is generated is as follows

standby_mode = 'on'
primary_conninfo = 'user=''user1'' password=''use''1'' port=''5432'' '

I observed the problem is while reading primary_conninfo from the
recovery.conf file
the function "GUC_scanstr" removes the quotes of the string and also
continuos double quote('') as single quote(').

By using the same connection string while connecting to primary
server the
function "conninfo_parse" the escape quotes are not able to parse
and it is leading
to problem.

please correct me if any thing wrong in my observation.
Well, it's clearly broken at least :O

Zoltan, do you have time to look at it? I won't have time until at
least after FOSDEM, unfortunately.

I looked at it shortly. What I tried first is adding another pair of
quotes manually like this:

primary_conninfo = 'user=''user1'' password=''use''''1''
host='''' port=''5432'' sslmode=''disable''
sslcompression=''1'' '

But it doesn't solve the problem either, I got:

FATAL: could not connect to the primary server: missing "=" after "'1'"
in connection info string

This worked though:

primary_conninfo = 'user=user1 password=use\'1 host=
port=5432 sslmode=disable sslcompression=1 '

When I added an elog() to print the conninfo string in
I saw that the double quotes were properly eliminated by ParseConfigFp()
in the first case.

So, there is a bug in generating recovery.conf by not double-escaping
the values and another bug in parsing the connection string in libpq
when the parameter value starts with a single-quote character.

No, the libpq connection string parser is working as intended. Per the
docs on PQconnectdb:

The passed string can be empty to use all default parameters, or it
can contain one or more parameter settings separated by whitespace.
Each parameter setting is in the form keyword = value. Spaces around
the equal sign are optional. To write an empty value, or a value
containing spaces, surround it with single quotes, e.g., keyword = 'a
value'. Single quotes and backslashes within the value must be
escaped with a backslash, i.e., \' and \\.

So, the proper way to escape a quote in a libpq connection string is
\', not ''. There are two escaping systems layered on top of each
other; the recovery.conf parser's, where you use '', and the libpq
system, where you use \'. So we need two different escaping functions
in pg_basebackup to get this right.

Why is extending the libpq parser to allow doubling the single
quotes not a good solution? It would be consistent in this regard
with the recovery.conf parser. From this POV the first patch only
needs a little change in the libpq docs.

I guess that would work too, but I don't see any meaningful advantage in doing that.

Apart from that, does it bother anyone else that the the
primary_conninfo line that pg_basebackup creates is butt-ugly?

primary_conninfo = 'user=''heikki'' host=''localhost'' port=''5432''
sslmode=''prefer'' sslcompression=''1'' '

Not a single bit. It's machine generated and the code is generic.
The parser can deal with it.

Oh, ok :-). Well, IMO that's really ugly; the file ought to be human-readable too.

Also, do we really need to include the ssl options when they are the

I think we were through about this bullet point. IIRC the reasoning and
the consensus was that the backup and the generated recovery.conf
should also work on another machine with a possibly different set of
compilation options for libpq and envvars present on the system.


I think the attached patch fixes the original test scenario correctly,
without changing libpq's quoting rules, and only quotes when
necessary. I didn't do anything about the ssl options. Please take a

Your patch should work, too.

Thanks, I've applied that.

- Heikki

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