On 2013-05-29 09:30:43 +0200, Dimitri Fontaine wrote:
> > 2) How should we handle already installed extensions, which will still
> >    lack dependency records after this bugfix?
> I don't really see any other way here than providing an upgrade script
> that will somehow re-attach those objects, either by directly messing
> with pg_depends (that is, when there's a systematic way to get the OIDs
> of the missing RULEs), or by maybe doing a drop/create on the RULEs?

Couldn't ALTER EXTENSION ... ADD ...; be brought up to speed to support


Andres Freund

 Andres Freund                     http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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