On 31 Aug 2002 at 5:28, Zhicong Leo Liang wrote:

> Hi all,
>       Just briefly describe my problem.
>       I have two tables.
> create table A(
>    a1 serial primary key,
>    a2 varchars(10)

that should be varchar..

> );
> create table B(
>     b1 integer primary key,
>     b2 Integer,
>     foreign key(b2) references a(a1)
> )
> insert into A values('123'); 
> select a1 from A where a2='123'
> >--
> >a1 
> >--
> >1
> >--
> insert into B values (1,1);
> ERROR!! referential integrity violation - key referenced from B not found in A.

this works.. I guess it's matter of writing a bit cleaner sql if nothing else. 
I am using postgresql-7.2-12mdk with mandrake8.2. 

I don't know which approach is better or correct, yours or mine. But this 
solves your problems at least..

test=# select * from a;
 a1  | a2
 123 |
(1 row)

test=# insert into A(a2) values('123');
INSERT 4863345 1
test=# select * from a;
 a1  | a2
 123 |
   1 | 123
(2 rows)

test=# insert into b(b1,b2) values(1,1);
INSERT 4863346 1
test=# select * from a;
 a1  | a2
 123 |
   1 | 123
(2 rows)

test=# select * from b;
 b1 | b2
  1 |  1
(1 row)



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