On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 06:58:05PM -0400, Andrew Dunstan wrote:
> On 06/11/2013 06:26 PM, Noah Misch wrote:
>>> As a final counter example, let me note that Postgres itself handles
>>> Unicode escapes differently in UTF8 databases - in other databases it
>>> only accepts Unicode escapes up to U+007f, i.e. ASCII characters.
>> I don't see a counterexample there; every database that accepts without error
>> a given Unicode escape produces from it the same text value.  The proposal to
>> which I objected was akin to having non-UTF8 databases silently translate
>> E'\u0220' to E'\\u0220'.
> What?
> There will be no silent translation. The only debate here is about how  
> these databases turn strings values inside a json datum into PostgreSQL  
> text values via the documented operation of certain functions and  
> operators. If the JSON datum doesn't already contain a unicode escape  
> then nothing of what's been discussed would apply. Nothing whatever  
> that's been proposed would cause a unicode escape sequence to be emitted  
> that wasn't already there in the first place, and no patch that I have  
> submitted has contained any escape sequence generation at all.

Under your proposal to which I was referring, this statement would return true
in UTF8 databases and false in databases of other encodings:

    SELECT '["\u0220"]'::json ->> 0 = E'\u0220'

Contrast the next statement, which would return false in UTF8 databases and
true in databases of other encodings:

    SELECT '["\u0220"]'::json ->> 0 = E'\\u0220'

Defining ->>(json,int) and ->>(json,text) in this way would be *akin to*
having "SELECT E'\u0220' = E'\\u0220'" return true in non-UTF8 databases.  I
refer to user-visible semantics, not matters of implementation.  Does that
help to clarify my earlier statement?

Noah Misch
EnterpriseDB                                 http://www.enterprisedb.com

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