
attached patch implementing ordering inside GIN index. This is third patch
of GIN improvements, see previous two:

This patch introduces new interface method of GIN which takes same
arguments as consistent but returns float8.
float8 gin_ordering(bool check[], StrategyNumber n, Datum query, int32
nkeys, Pointer extra_data[], bool *recheck, Datum queryKeys[], bool
nullFlags[], Datum addInfo[], bool addInfoIsNull[])
This patch implements gingettuple method which can return ordering data
using KNN infrastructure. Also it introduces >< operator for fts which
support ordering in GIN index. Some example:

postgres=# explain analyze select * from dblp_titles2 where tsvector @@
to_tsquery('english', 'statistics') order by tsvector ><
to_tsquery('english', 'statistics') limit 10;
 Limit  (cost=12.00..48.22 rows=10 width=136) (actual time=6.999..7.120
rows=10 loops=1)
   ->  Index Scan using dblp_titles2_idx on dblp_titles2
 (cost=12.00..43003.03 rows=11868 width=136) (actual time=6.996..7.115
rows=10 loops=1)
         Index Cond: (tsvector @@ '''statist'''::tsquery)
         Order By: (tsvector >< '''statist'''::tsquery)
 Total runtime: 7.556 ms
(5 rows)

With best regards,
Alexander Korotkov.

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