
I took results of my separate patches and original PG.

* Result of DBT-2
              | TPS      90%tile    Average  Maximum
original_0.7  | 3474.62  18.348328  5.739    36.977713
original_1.0  | 3469.03  18.637865  5.842    41.754421
fsync         | 3525.03  13.872711  5.382    28.062947
write         | 3465.96  19.653667  5.804    40.664066
fsync + write | 3564.94  16.31922   5.1      34.530766

 - 'original_*' indicates checkpoint_completion_target in PG 9.2.4.
 - In other patched postgres, checkpoint_completion_target sets 0.7.
 - 'write' is applied write patch, and 'fsync' is applied fsync patch.
 - 'fsync + write' is applied both patches.

* Investigation of result
- Large value of checkpoint_completion_target in original and the patch in write become slow latency in benchmark transactions. Because slow write pages are caused long time fsync IO in final checkpoint. - The patch in fsync has an effect latency in each file fsync. Continued fsyncsin each files are caused slow latency. Therefore, it is good for latency that fsync stage in checkpoint has sleeping time after slow fsync IO. - The patches of fsync + write were seemed to improve TPS. I think that write patch does not disturb transactions which are in full-page-write WAL write than original(plain) PG.

I will send you more detail investigation and result next week. And I will also take result in pgbench. If you mind other part of benchmark result or parameter of postgres, please tell me.

Best Regards,
Mitsumasa KONDO
NTT Open Source Software Center

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