> This is not so wrong. If you think about it, you have the same
> problem in most object-oriented programming languages: a person
> object can't generally easily become a subclass of itself after
> being created.
> This is a case, I would say, where you simply don't want to use
> inheritance. A person has-a job, not is-a job.

But a person is-a employee (allow me to momentarily step aside from the rules 
of english grammer, if you would), and a person is-a programmer. That's why I 
didn't call my table "job" :)  [1]

I don't like the way some OO programming languages handle objects, if they 
mean to say you can't change an object's type without performing a logical 
data copy to a new object. If you don't use some kind of extra layer of 
abstraction in C, you will end up with that problem: you'd need to copy all 
that RAM over to change from one struct to another. Most people would rather 
take that RAM copying hit than all the hits for allowing "room to expand" (at 
least in some applications). However, postgres needs to provide that "room to 
expand" for each tuple anyway, so to go through the same copying seems bad 
(especially since we're no longer just talking RAM). 

Take as an example python... it's easy to emulate other objects: just assign 
to the attribute, even if it's not there yet, it'll add the attribute. Same 
with python, it's providing room to expand for it's objects already, so why 
do all the copying? Now compare with Java, and see why you'd be annoyed. It 
has the facilities to change the objects all around, but you can't do it.

Even if you disregard all implementation details, and assume that the database 
is intelligent enough to not redundantly write data (and if you could name 
one such database, I would like to know), you're still doing something that 
doesn't logically make sense: you're deleting and inserting atomically, when 
the more obvious logical path is to expand on the data you already carry 
about an entity.

I like entities to be mutable, at least as far as makes sense to an 
application. Try telling an employee that as part of a promotion, they're 
going to be fired, lose their workstation, then be re-hired, and get a new 
workstation; I bet he'd have an interesting expression on his face (hey, at 
least postgres guarantees the "A" in ACID, or else bad things could happen to 
that poor guy :)

Thanks for responding, and I agreed with everything else you said. As you 
might have guessed, I don't much like "most object-oriented languages" if 
that's what they're going to try to tell me I have to do. Python works 
nicely, however :)

        Jeff Davis

[1] Come to think of it, the JOIN operator seems to, at least on a first 
thought, represent the "has-a" relationship you describe. You could have the 
tuples "manager" and "programmer" in the table "job" and join with a "people" 
table. Don't ask about inheritance yet for this model, I'm still thinking 
about that one (does "has-a" even have an analogue to inheriteance?). Send me 
your thoughts about this, if you should have any.

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